Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Is this woman insane? Napolitano wants illegal aliens called “newly-arrived asylum seekers”!

October 13, 2009, 7:01 am
By Kevin “Coach” Collins

As Governor of Arizona Janet Napolitano was always a good friend to illegal aliens trying to sneak into our country. She gave them free college educations and free daycare for their children as any welcoming host would.

As Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano avoids even saying the words “terror” or vulnerability” proving she has no business heading HLS.

Now Secretary Napolitano has passed a new threshold of linguistic gymnastics.

According to her latest announcement the burglars who sneak into our country with their hands out who were once correctly called “illegal aliens” then “illegal immigrants” and more recently “undocumented immigrants” must now be called “newly-arrived asylum seekers.”

This perfect example of Orwellian “new speak” is a trick to make us forget Democrats plan to give illegal aliens “free” healthcare paid for by us.

Clearly the idea of putting “illegal aliens” in prison sounds about right, but the thought of imprisoning “newly-arrived asylum seekers” can be sold as somehow not fair or un-American and nobody wants to be called un-American.

What do we do with “newly-arrived asylum seekers”?

America has always been the place where people have run to in order to escape POLITICAL and RACIAL/ETHNIC genocide. Americans take in and welcome Cubans fleeing Castro’s socialist gulag, we took in escapees from the Soviet Union.

Napolitano’s idea is to make us see illegal aliens as escapees from some kind of non existent oppression in Mexico and South America.

In this scheme the natural next step is to “house” these “newly-arrived asylum seekers” in California’s hotels that have closed because of Obama’s recession.

Napolitano wants these rooms prepared for her honored guests at our expense. If we let this happen it validates their new title.

We can’t ever refer to illegal aliens as anything but illegal aliens. Our sovereignty is at stake.
“Welcome to the Hotel California. You can check-out any time you like; But [PLEASE DON’T EVER] leave!”

Because California is dying the type of slow painful death that always follows complete surrender to socialism, hundreds of its hotels are defaulting and closing their doors.

Janet Napolitano wants to turn these hotels into bed and breakfast resorts for illegal aliens housing them there until the Democrats figure out a way to make them citizens and register them as Democrats. Guess who will pay for them?

Instead for sending these burglars back or putting them in prison as they should be, where iron bars will separate them from us, they will be sitting on their verandas watching the sunset on warm California afternoons.

In support of this scheme Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont a state that must have at least 25 illegal aliens harvesting maple syrup said: “The perception of the United States around the world and our role as a champion of human rights is greatly diminished when we fail to treat those in our custody consistent with our values as a nation.” Sickening isn’t it?

This day in history October 13

1775: The United States Continental Congress orders the establishment of what became the United States Navy.

1777: Based on the Colonists’ victory at Saratoga France enters the war on America’s side.
Comments on this or any other Collins Report essay can be sent to kcoachc “at” gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. This is such a joke. I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Janet is rapidly rising to the insanity level of Pelosi, and should be embarrassed to go this far for political correctness..if she's capable.
