Sunday, October 18, 2009


Read and heed.

Very important, we are losing ground.

The only thing evil needs to Triumph, is that good men do nothing.- E. Burke

The following are posts from a friend on Tea Party Patriots:

It's a long read, but it can make a difference if everyone participates.

It's Time To Focus:

The Way Forward On Defeating ObamaCare

Posted by Gerald Merits on October 14, 2009 at 5:26pmHere is the most important link in the fight against ObamaCare: But don't go there yet. I need your attention.

It is good to be a part of such a passionate group of people. I know I risk stepping out of line and that certainly is not my intention, but events dictate my actions.I am reading a great deal of posts from people quoting the constitution or talking about items that won't have an immediate impact on the current drama unfolding in the Senate - namely healthcare.

I read of people in a state of panic about the dreaded Vapor Bill, or talking about nullification and the 10th amendment.Let's take the Vapor Bill as an example. What many, including myself until recently, don't realize is the Vapor Bill is something Harry Reid will be forced to do from a parliamentary point of view - the same thing happened with the Reagan tax cuts being placed into the excise tax on fishing tackle.

Or how about the 10th amendment? Talking about it and daydreaming about defeating ObamaCare using the 10th amendment is fun - I won't deny that as I have spent a great deal of time talking about it, blogging about it, commenting about it, and reading about it.

But none of these has any bearing on how to stop ObamaCare NOW.

We are allowing ourselves to get distracted; to dissipate unnecessary energy instead of directing it like a laser to destroy once and for all the possibility of ObamaCare.

How do we do that?

How do we tackle this monumental undertaking?

I mean look at what we have to accomplish. First, stop 60 votes and then stop reconciliation.

These two tasks alone should be taking up all our attention and seem so daunting I think it makes us leave our comfort zones and want to talk about other ways of defeating ObamaCare in a sort of escapism from the harsh reality facing us. I've been there, done that. It's not easy to face the challenges we are up against. But we are the descendants of men and women who did the hard things necessary to secure the liberties we enjoy so much today but risk losing. I know that each of you have these same tendencies and these same passions.

I include myself among you and I am proud to be a member of the Tea Party. The question that needs asking though is what do we focus on and when we figure that out, how do we go about refocusing?The first question has an answer. Dr. Larry Hunter, former policy advisor to President Ronald Reagan and head of the Social Security Institute has taken the time to write an excellent strategy to defeat ObamaCare.

If you would enjoy waking up one day and reading about the defeat of ObamaCare on your favorite website or hearing it on the TV, then I highly recommend reading his strategy memo.

As before, don't go there yet. I still need you to read on.After reading the memo, make it your mission to follow it and get the word out. When laid out this way, it does not seem so daunting and gives each of us an understanding of what it is we should be doing. By providing direction it allows us to focus, and focus is what we need.

This is our center of the storm, the calm place that guides us and allows us to ignore the whipping winds and enormous waves around us (Vapor bills, 10th amendments, media filler that hits us hourly or by the minute). Stick to the memo and ignore the media filler and speculations that eat up so much of our time.

I am sure the Tea Party leaders can give me a lesson in how hard it is to get so many people that are so spread out to pull together, but we did it on 9/12 and in a big way.I state the above not with the intent to offend anyone, but with the heartfelt intention of defeating Obama, first on healthcare and then on every other issue. I used to talk and write on many of the same things I am reading in many of these emails so trust me, I am not judging. I am just trying to contribute my two cents while desperately attempting to get us to focus.

Here's the site to visit:

Memorandum To The Grass Roots*Third Update* October 15, 2009I was going to update the Strategy Memo but saw that Gerald Merits already had done a better job at it than I could so I am posting his email to the Grass Roots in lieu of my own update.

Memorandum To The Grass RootsFrom Gerald Merits ( Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:19 AMSubject Tea Party Patriots - Relevant, Then Irrelevant And How To Stay RelevantWhen it comes to a winning strategy to pressure Senators to act a certain way it helps to think of it like pain.

If you have pain for only 1/2 an hour you won't be thinking about six hours later. If the pain is unrelenting, you are going to pay it a great deal of attention and possibly make an appointment with your doctor.

In short, you will probably do something about it instead of ignore it.The news from Senate insiders (Senators and their staff) concerning the 9/12 movement is now one of disappointment and a feeling of helplessness about three weeks after 9/12. I am not talking about the effect of 9/12, but rather the lack of effect just a few short weeks after 9/12.The general feeling in the Senate was dismissive of the movement.

This is real intelligence and very solid. I am afraid the October surprise will have the same effect as the 9/12 march and that without sustained and merciless pressure the Tea Party will be relevant for a couple of weeks again and then disappear off the radar.

Recall this link in my previous email to all of you ( concerning a real strategy we can all march to to defeat ObamaCare. This is referred to as the strategy memo and I urge you to check it out.Also check out this link about the real habits of Senators and how often they are actually in Washington and how often they are in their states ( and follow the link to the Politico report for additional details.

What this translates to is that we can demand a townhall of our Senators every single weekend, hunt them down and find out where they will be during their often repeated self-imposed recesses, and barring that protest in front of their offices and across the state every single weekend until the recess.

This is for those states with Senators listed in the strategy memo as "gettable" Dems and squishy RINOs. And send hand-written faxes to keep the fax machines running day in and day out for the previous listed Senators and for every Senator not listed in the memo, those Tea Party leaders and their workers can concentrate on the reconciliation killing strategy that references the Jim DeMint amendments.Lastly, I am concerned that protesting local television stations is counter productive. I am referring to the "can you hear us now" campaign.

In my home town of Austin, a gathering of 14 of us in front of Whole Foods made the evening news. Street theater, especially large street theater, makes the evening news, and all local stations are hungry for anything interesting. This helps our cause and gets us much needed attention and keeps on everyone's radar. If anybody should be protested it is the national offices of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC news.

Folks in those towns can take care of that, but local news stations are our friends and should be courted. Let them know when an event is to be held and work with them, not against them.

Should the coverage be unflattering, then take the gloves off and give them hell.With targeted and unrelenting pressure with boots on the grounds every weekend and constantly running fax machines around the clock the Tea Party will be relevant ALL the time and not just for a few weeks surrounding an event. This is how you kill healthcare. It is a strategy, much like a battle plan. I have yet to see its equal or anything equivalent, and given the information coming from inside the Senate, we need to stop thinking that a single nationwide event will translate to long-term results in our favor. This is not going to be easy, but then anything worth it is never easy, is it?

The pressure must be sustained.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson


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