Tuesday, October 13, 2009


THESE are the individuals in congress that we need to get rid of during the next election:


They just don't "get it". But they will... The absolute frivolous spending of our tax dollars HAS TO STOP! For every dollar these politicians STEAL from YOU and me, the more it drains what we as AMERICANS are paying taxes for IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Example? How about Social Security and every other program that we have been paying into for all our lives to help US when WE need it. These politicians are robbing from these programs to support THEIR political agenda, i.e, coddling liberal social programs such as supporting ILLEGAL ALIENS to get some sector of votes and political contributions from those that benefit from cheap labor.

NONE of these worthless politicians care about us because they are rich. Why should they care about you or me?

This is absolute INSANITY, and it has to end. TODAY.

I refuse to look into the eyes of my children when this country is bankrupt and in absolute chaos and make some lying, bullshit excuse as to how it happened. I KNOW how it's HAPPENING:

Explain to your children that it happened because LAZY, UNIFORMED, UNMOTIVATED PEOPLE LET IT HAPPEN. People sat idly by and did nothing. They allowed worthless, corrupt, do-nothing politicians to stay in office for years and years. They, the ones that keep voting in these worthless duds, "thought" that they were rich and secure until reality sets in.

The not-so-distant future of this country on the course we are on:

Crime is out of control. Our country is bankrupt, unemployment is at 48%, a loaf of bread cost $11.00, and the crime rate is up 400% nationwide.

Think it won't happen? Who is going to stop it from happening? The police? Please... By what "miracle" is going to suddenly appear before us to reverse what is happening to us today? The "Almighty Obama" isn't going to do it. This man WANTS these radical changes to happen:


Watch this VERY, VERY closely:


Give a damn? Go here:


This is contact info for YOUR "representatives".
Find your "representative" and post this (below); or your own message into the "comments" block on their site. If WE don't do it, nobody will. And we can only blame OURSELVES for the things that these politicians are doing to OUR country if we don't get mad as hell and DO SOMETHING about it!

You so-called "representatives" seem to think that your actions go unnoticed. How utterly and pathetically stupid you are. You are in DIRECT opposition to the DEMANDS, (do you understand that meaning?), not the REQUESTS, of the majority of taxpaying American citizens.

You have been TOLD, you have been WARNED against ignoring our EXISTING LAWS concerning ILLEGAL aliens in this country. You have utterly failed (AS USUAL) to listen to US. Now pay the price of your sickening arrogance...

This will go to the open Internet so that anyone that actually pays taxes will see how you openly disrespect US, the PEOPLE, in your continued effort to support your personal political agenda, i.e, supporting ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION for the purpose of campaign contributions, cronyism, your UNION "affiliates", and your utter spineless cowardice in opposing the status quo of corrupt politics.

The American People can no longer afford to have worthless duds like YOU in office. We are not rich like you leeches, and I'm sick of my tax dollars being wasted to support ILLEGAL ALIENS that SHOULDN'T BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

How much more clear does that have to be stated to you idiots??

PEOPLE, get active for the future of OUR country. If not, .... Well, explain your inaction to your children and grandchildren. It is our inherent DUTY to pass America on to our children the way that we once enjoyed it. We can regain a grasp and a foothold on our government before it's too late if we TAKE ACTION TODAY. NOW. RIGHT NOW!!


"They", these SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE, need to start asking US what WE want, not TELLING us ANYTHING by their UNSUPPORTED votes. But, they'll learn. THEY WILL LEARN.

Do this, and forward this, and THEY WILL LEARN. Register to vote. Then VOTE!! If you love the freedom of America, then VOTE! Nobody can do it for you...

WE need to start kicking this deadwood out of political office as soon as humanly possible.


Jay R. Smith
Northfield, New Jersey

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